Sunday, November 7, 2010


On Saturday mom and I went to a movie. The movie was called Megamind. Here are some of the jokes.


Megamind took over metrocity and put these posters all over the city. They are suppost to be a spoof on Obama posters.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Weekend with Leah

We drove to Providence to spend the weekend with Leah. We had an easy trip up on Saturday morning. In the afternoon we did a donut tasting adventure with Leah to do "research" for her upcoming blog article. We went to dinner at a Viet Namese restaurant that was excellent. Then we went to an opera. Leah's friend Katie was in it. She was great. We went to lunch with Leah at Red Stripe before driving home.

Dad and Seth in front of retro donut shop on Route 6 in Seekonk

Leah, Dad and Seth

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Columbus Day trip to Vermont

We travelled to Vermont for the three day weekend. We visited Gramma Jeanne. We drove up on Saturday and arrived just in time to have dinner with Gramma Jeanne and Aunt Amy. On Sunday we drove up the Mt. Mansfield toll road and hiked around the top of the mountain, went to the Stowe farmer's market for lunch, and drove through Smuggler's Notch on the way back to Hyde Park. On Monday we stopped in Worcester and went down to the brook on the way back home. It was a good weekend.
Dad on Mt. Mansfield:
 Seth and Dad at Worcester Brook:
 Seth and Mom at Vermont Welcome center:

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Catching up on India

I did not post anything for a few weeks and missed some of the things I did at the end of the trip. Here are two pictures of the team of people that I trained. Rakesh is now in Chicago, the rest are in Mumbai and Chennai working on a project with me.

 Seated: Rakesh. Standing left to right: Pooja, Betsy, Manju, Lalitha, Yogesh, Naveen

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Last Mets game for us this year

It was a beautiful day so we went to the Mets game. They beat the Nationals 7-2. David Wright hit a huge home run to put the Mets ahead. Sue/Mom came with us.

Caumsett Park

We went to Caumsett Park last weekend. We have to walk over a mile to get to the beach but it is worth it. We have the whole Long Island Sound to ourselves.