Friday, May 7, 2010

Clear skies in Seattle

Yesterday after work I drove to a place called Chambers Bay that is a public park with a beautiful golf course and walking paths. It was an abandoned gravel pit that was converted to parkland. It was perfect weather for a change, about 65 degrees and no clouds. The people here say that summer is just about perfect weather every day. The problem is that summer only lasts about three months a year. The rest of the time it is cool, cloudy and rainy.

On the drive home I went around a curve in the road and saw Mt. Rainier right in front of me. It startled me it was so huge. It was the first time I had seen it clearly from a distance. It is easy to see why ancient people thought that mountains were gods. It is a massive presence on the horizon. It appears to be so large because it has a topographic prominance of over 13000 feet. In other words it is 13000 feet higher than any part of the valley that surrounds it.

I tried to take a photo of it, but the results did not do it justice. In the photo it looked like a small hill in the distance, but in reality it appears to be huge on the horizon. As the sun set the color of the mountain changed to pink as it reflected the colors of the sunset.

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