Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Cyber bullying

In school, we had to write essays on cyber bullying.  Here is what I wrote:

Bullying is a problem for everybody. Every elementary and middle school has problems with kids picking on each other. With new technology, bullying has taken on a new form. This is a type of bullying called cyber bullying.

Cyber bullying is bullying someone on the internet, with text messages, or through emails. A kid might receive mean emails from a bully. Some people get locked out of their accounts when bullies change their passwords and usernames. Bullies can also pretend to be someone who they are not. Bullies can send mean emails to your friends or send pictures of you without your permission. Bullies can also set up web pages, or post on existing web sites. In our school, this year, someone set up an “I hate ____” Facebook page and invited classmates to join.

Here are some other interesting facts about cyber bullying. Cyber bullying affects girls twice as much as boys. More than 35% of kids have been threatened on line, and more than 1 in 5 had it happen more than once. Most cyber bullying occurs in chat rooms. Seventy-five percent of kids have visited a web site where people are being mean to another student. Cyber bullying has increased in recent years. The number of kids who say that they have been bullied increased has doubled between 2000 and 2005!

There are many ways that a kid can respond to cyber bullying. One way would be for kids to tell trusted adults, but only half of kids who are bullied tell an adult. Also, if someone knows about cyber bullying, even if he’s not the victim, he can go tell an adult. If a kid finds out about cyber bullying, like mean things posted on Facebook, he could go tell the “victim” about it. A third way that a kid can respond to cyber bullying is to refuse to participate, and to tell his friends not to do it either.

There are many ways to prevent cyber bullying. Parents can create safe ways for kids to tell them about bullying and to talk about problems at school. Parents can also keep computers in public places in their houses, so that kids cannot cyber bully in secret. Parents should also know the kid’s passwords and usernames so that they can check on their internet use. This would help if their kid is a victim, a bully, or even just a bystander. Schools can prevent cyber bullying, too. Teachers and principals can make it easier and more private for kids to talk about cyber bullying.

Cyber bullying is a mean way of bullying. It’s even worse than other bullying because people cannot escape from the bullies – it can happen anytime, even when you are at home. It is very important for schools, parents, and kids to be aware of cyber bullying. It is also important to work together to avoid cyber bullying.

1 comment:

  1. Seth
    This is a well written essay. You included a lot of facts and good information. I am proud of what a good job you did.
