Saturday, July 17, 2010

A Good Saturday

I went in to work at 8:30 today and stayed until 6:00 just like a normal day. There was nobody around so I was able to get my own work done for a change. I was very productive and felt good when I left the office.
I had dinner with a friend named Naresh. We worked together five years ago. We had a very good dinner and had a great conversation about the way business works in India. He gave me a ride home which was a lot better than having to walk. So I had a good day.
Tomorrow I have the whole day to myself for the first time in two weeks. Don't know what I'll do.

1 comment:

  1. I have not been as reliable as I should have been in reading your posts - they give a good idea of how you've spent your time.

    Now we are counting down the days until we see you. Have a good end of your trip.

    Love you! S
