Friday, July 9, 2010

My day here in Mumbai

I haven't taken any photos in a while but I thought you might like to know what my day is usually like here.

I usually wake up a little before 6:00. I get up and log on to the internet. (My company gave me a mobile broadband device that works here in India.) I surf the internet until your mother logs in to Skype. Then we have our daily call which usually lasts 20 minutes or so. When we are done talking I read the news for a while. I open the door of my room around 7:00 and Ramkumar the housekeeper brings me coffee and "buiscuits" (cookies). I start to do my work related stuff on the computer, email and class preparation. I tell Ramkumar to have breakfast ready by 8:30. I work until about 8:15 and then shower and dress. Then I go out to the living/dining room and have breakfast. Breakfast is always fruit along with either a rice or nan based dish. The driver arives around 9:00 and I leave for work.

It takes about 30 minutes to get to work. There is a lot of security stuff I have to do to get in to the building and on to the computer I use there. At 10:00 the people in the class have arrived and I begin teaching. After about 90 minutes I give everybody a 10 minute break. Then I teach until around 1:00 when I break for lunch. Lunch is usually a little over an hour. I go to the canteen (cafeteria) to have lunch. Sometimes I was staying in the training room and skipping lunch but I realized that I was seeming rude by doing that so I don't do it any more. After everybody  reassembles I teach until 5:00 with a couple of short breaks thrown in. I stay until 6:30 usually and then wait for the driver to pick me up if he is not already waiting for me.

When I get home I tell Ramkumar what time I want dinner and then lay down for a while to rest. I usually eat around 8:00 and I watch TV while eating because I am by myself. Lately I have been watching replays of World Cup matches. When I am done eating I go back to my bedroom and read on the internet for a while. At about 9:30 I completely crash. I turn out the light at 10:00 and go to sleep. I sleep fairly well here which is surprising because my bed is not very comfortable and it is always noisy outside.

So that is what my days are like. I have been here for 10 days but it seems like a lot longer than that. I have been here long enough that I am no longer in a state of culture shock. I am getting used to the way things are here in India and I can now sort of understand why things are the way they are. India is a very mixed up and crazy place, but it makes sense in its own weird way.

I love you

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