Sunday, July 11, 2010

Trip Around Mumbai

I spent the day touring around the city of Mumbai today. It is not really a tourist type city in that there are not a lot of tourist destinations. But there are a few. I went with four people from the training group. The driver who takes me to and from work drove us around. Rakesh knows the city so he was the tour guide.

This is Rakesh, Lalitha, Manju and Naveen. This was taken on the pier at the end of Marine Drive.

This is called the Gateway of India. It is the port where the British would land during the colonial period.

From here we walked around an old part of the city and went by the Mumbai Stock Exchange. We stopped at vendors to eat local food. One thing we drank was a sugar drink that was made by squeezing the juice out of sugar cane. It was delicious. We then walked to Queen Victoria train station. It is a huge train station and it is also a palace that was constructed for Queen Victoria to stay in when she visited.
I have many more photos that I will show you when I get home.
Mumbai is an extremely densely populated city. There are mobs of people everywhere. And we did not see the worst of the crowds because we were travelling on a Sunday and most shops are closed on Sunday. We had lunch at a great restaurant. I did not get home until about 6:00 so I am now very tired.

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