Monday, July 5, 2010

Walk through the neighborhood

The area of the city that I am living in is called Sanpada. If Navi Mumbai is the equivalent of Qeens then Sanpada is the equivalent of Forest Hills. I have taken a couple of long walks and am starting to get to know the area well.
About a 15 minute walk from my apartment is an area that has two malls and a big movie multi-plex. This is the mall called InOrbit. It is just like any mall in America. It has a lot of stores and a food court. It is bigger than it looks in this photo.

McDonalds is everywhere I guess...

There is a huge train station across from the malls called Vashi. It has several tile murals on the walls. This is one of the nicest ones.

This is an area of Sanpada close to where I live. The river rises dramatically during monsoons but we are right next to the ocean here so flooding is not an issue. 

1 comment:

  1. This is so interesting - seeing the pics and reading your impressions makes it so much more concrete. It sounds like you're getting a little more "settled" and getting your bearings around the neighborhood.

    How odd about the caretaker sleeping on a bedroll on the floor, and not in his own bed or room.
